Web Page Design I

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General Course Description: Web Page Design I is an introductory course that examines basic Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) editors and web publishing software. Course skills will include learning the essential ways to develop a web site and the evaluation of several HTML web-publishing packages. This course is designed to be a one-semester, .5 credit course.
Prerequisites: Keyboarding and Computer Applications or 8th Grade Computer Discovery

Competencies and Suggested Objective(s):

  1. Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the Internet and World Wide Web.
    a. Identify terminology associated with the Internet and the World Wide Web
    b. Identify the main elements of web browsers (tool bar, location bar, menus) and search engines (search bar, how to display results, where help is located).
    c. Compare and contrast browsers and search engines.
    d. Identify the basic parts of a web page (e.g., graphics, text, hyperlinks, animated gifs, etc.).
    e. Identify image formats (e.g., jpg, gif, etc.).
    f. Identify site structure (e.g., folders, files, etc.)
  2. Identify and demonstrate knowledge of basic HTML coding. (IT)
    a. Identify basic HTML terminology (e.g, code, tags, attributes, etc.).
    b. Identify the basic structure.
    c. Identify and demonstrate the use of additional basic tags (e.g., bold, italics, links, images, etc.).
    d. Identify and demonstrate the use of tag attributes.
    e. Identify and demonstrate advanced HTML tags (e.g., tables, frames, anchors, etc.).
  3. Identify and demonstrate techniques for designing web graphics. (IT)
    a. Differentiate between formats (e.g,. jpg, gif, animated gif, png, etc.).
    b. Identify techniques for choosing an image format.
    c. Identify and demonstrate techniques for optimizing images.
  4. Identify and demonstrate techniques and strategies for the planning and development of a web site.
    a. Discuss factors that impact the direction of a web site (e.g., target audience, available resources, etc.).
    b. Discuss storyboarding techniques.
    c. Discuss navigational efficiency.
    d. Discuss strategies for maintaining and increasing your audience.
  5. Identify and demonstrate the use of visual tools (Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft FrontPage, etc.).
    a. Identify and demonstrate basic features of visual tools.
    b. Demonstrate how to edit the code generated by visual tools.
  6. Discuss legal and ethical aspects associated with web site development.
    a. Discuss Copyright laws pertaining to content.
    b. Discuss legal and ethical situations involved in obtaining information from web visitors.
  7. Create and publish a web site.
    a. Plan the web site.
    b. Develop web pages.
    c. Upload site to the web.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:06 PM